Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Spiritual War - A Lenten Sermon 2014

The First Sunday In Lent, 2014
Christ Church, Laredo, Texas 

"Spiritual War" - This is part of our series for this Lent. The others will be:
Spiritual Birth
Spiritual Harvest
Spiritual Eyes
Spiritual Life

Here are the main "Take aways":
1) There is a spiritual war.
(and there is no such thing as neutrality, you must pick a side.)

2) Pick the winning side.
(It will still be hard, but you won’t be sabotaged by your commanding officer, which will happen to you on the other side.)

3) When you are tired, or wounded, ask for help and ask for rest and recreation.

Why does Jesus love Centurions, Officers in the Roman army? I think it's because they have the same kind of mission.  Their job is to claim and hold territory for their ruler. Jesus mission is to reclaim and hold territory for the supreme ruler, God.

You and I are in a spiritual war. We do not always recognize it. This is in some ways because we are blind from birth. What do I mean by that?

Some of you know I've been blessed to work with Tina Trevino and others helping blind young men and women learn how to play tennis. It struck me the other day but in many ways all of us have blindness. My blindness is spiritual. I suspect that Jesus can see the spiritual world in a slightly different way than we can. Angels and demons are not generally visible to us.

The blind tennis players can hear the tennis ball because it has a rattle inside so they can actually know where the ball is. But they have to use different senses to know where the ball is in that there is a ball. In much the same way you and I do not generally have the ability to see spiritual entities. We have to use other senses. What do I mean by this?

I suspect that all of us have some spiritual sense. I think it is generally intuitive. However many of us as children see things that are not right and grasp that they are not right. I think over time this sense gets sharpened or doled. The danger when it is told is that we disbelieve that there is any spiritual reality. My favorite author home you all mobile now is see. S. Lewis says that demons are happy when human beings make either of two mistakes. One is to believe the demons are around at every turn. Two is to disbelieve in their existence entirely. Lewis says the devil is happy with either outcome.

Or for you Harry Potter fans, some of us are muggles and don't believe in magic, and some of us are magicians who are tempted to see the dark lord around every corner.

We have been watching Russia and the United States deal with each other in a way that was very similar to what many of us grew up with in the 1950's and 60's all the way up until the 1980's when the Berlin wall came down.

One of the hallmarks of the Cold War was the difficulty in knowing what was really going on.  Each side had strategies that had wheels within wheels, and often a conflict in one place was a feint, set up to distract the other, so that some other goal could be pursued. In the same way spiritual warfare is often a battle that is confusing.

What can we learn from today's texts?

First we can take the story with Jesus and the devil literally. The Bible makes no apology for the existence of a spiritual entity angelic in nature in rebellion against God. This being is warped and seeks to do evil with the gifts talents and powers that he she or it has.

Two, we learn from Genesis that our ancestors chose the wrong side, and set up a bad situation for us.

Three, St. Paul says that we were subject to death, and later to death and “the law”. This topic of death and the law is deserving of it’s own sermon and I’m not going to tackle it today.

Remember the takeaways we started with:
1) There is a spiritual war.
(and there is no such thing as neutrality, you must pick a side.)

2) Pick the winning side.
(It will still be hard, but you won’t be sabotaged by your commanding officer, which will happen to you on the other side.)

3) When you are tired, or wounded, ask for help and ask for rest and recreation.

If we focus on the Gospel we see that Jesus is deliberately led by the Holy Spirit into the desert to engage in a battle in this Spiritual War.  He is led out to fast, and near the end the devil arrives to tempt him.  Three things we must know.

One, fasting does make you hungry.
Second, fasting strengthens us spiritually.
Third, our primary spiritual weapons and armor are the Word of God, the Bible.

 So while Jesus is weaker physically, and certainly hungry, the first temptation, the one to create and eat bread he resists.

He is strong spiritually because of the fasting and prayer.

And he resists the Devil by his use of the scripture, even when the Devil tries to use the same method against him.

Jesus wins the first round of this Spiritual war. 

If we look ahead in Matthew’s Gospel, when he returns from this victory, he preaches the Kingdom of God.

What we may not think about is that Jesus is preaching that Kingdom as opposed to another Kingdom. He is not preaching the Kingdom of Israel, or Rome, but God’s Kingdom, over and above the others.

And if we jump even farther forward, Jesus faces one more great battle with Satan, which ends with his betrayal and death. It certainly looks like the score in that battle is Satan 1, Jesus 0.

But, surprise, on Easter, a great reversal takes place. What looks like defeat proves to be the final victory.

Remember the takeaways we started with:
1) There is a spiritual war.
(and there is no such thing as neutrality, you must pick a side.)

2) Pick the winning side.
(It will still be hard, but you won’t be sabotaged by your commanding officer, which will happen to you on the other side.)

3) When you are tired, or wounded, ask for help and ask for rest and recreation.

Let’s look at number 2. Pick the winning side.

In God’s Kingdom, even if you have been on the wrong side, you are invited to join the winning side. You’re forgiven for all your actions against God’s kingdom and given all the rights and privileges that belong to anyone on God’s side.

Even more amazingly, God will let you do this over, and over, and over.

Imagine if the Army let people who went AWOL, (for the acronym challenged that means Absent With Out Leave), return with no punishment.

God does that each time we return to him after sinning against him. Even our worst betrayals have been forgiven, and if we come back and admit our fault and ask for that forgiveness we get a brand new start.

Not only that.  Imagine if at the conclusion of the Superbowl the winning team handed the trophy and Superbowl rings to the losing side.

God not only forgives us over and over, but provides ways for us to grow stronger and keep going. We are given spiritual gifts if we will be open to them. We are given answers to prayer more often than we know. We are protected from harm far more than we know. And above all, we are deeply loved and cherished by God.

Lent is a time when you will probably experience three things.
Remember the takeaways we started with:
1) There is a spiritual war.
(and there is no such thing as neutrality, you must pick a side.)

2) Pick the winning side.
(It will still be hard, but you won’t be sabotaged by your commanding officer, which will happen to you on the other side.)

3) When you are tired, or wounded, ask for help and ask for rest and recreation.


1 For a person before sleep
May the cross of the Son of God,
which is mightier than all the hosts of Satan
and more glorious than all the hosts of heaven,
abide with you in your going out and in your coming in.
By day and by night, at morning and at evening,
at all times and in all places may it protect and defend you.
From the wrath of evildoers, from the assaults of evil spirits,
from foes visible and invisible, from the snares of the devil,
from all passions that beguile the soul and body:
may it guard, protect and deliver you.  Amen.

From the Church of England Website (

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